Saturday, 26 April 2014

Creating vs Consuming=Cookies

You wanna know what makes me mad about myself? I am a collector. Not of anything cool, like tea cups, hippos or key chains. Nope, I collect ideas. I have loads of ideas, information, incentive and little nuggets of groundbreaking goodness. I’m fascinated by ideas and words.

I get distracted. Then I’ll read about better ideas and different view points. And I’ll start again. But then I get distracted. I consume information. I consume advice. I consume cookies. And that’s no good either. I am a consumer and not a creator.

I could be a creator. But it’s more comfortable in the consumer category, because then I can be a criticizer. If I become the creator, then I become the object of criticism. So I eat cookies. That action seems to stay consistent.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

“Aslan,” said Lucy, “you're bigger.”

“That is because you are older, little one,” answered he.

“Not because you are?”

“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”

Prince Caspian

Replacing Majesty with Mediocrity

I finally get it. I've been playing pretend. "What would Jesus do?" "Be like Jesus" "Deny Yourself" "Be little Christs." All good ideas. All pretend.

To be like someone or something is to deny a legitimate, authentic part of you in order to take on attributes of someone else. Part of me must hide in order for this other quality to emerge. We don't need to deny ourselves. We need to recognise ourselves.

We are not merely a reflection; a shadow of what is or what could have been. We carry the I AM. Each of us, a colourful display in the kaleidoscope of Eternity. To imitate, reflect or decrease is to deny the DNA of the Holy and to replace it with something in our understanding, in our image. Each of us carry something of our Creator.
If I ever taught a philosophy class, everything would revolve around Dr. Who.